Lions Change - over Dinner

Lions Change - over Dinner
Erin - 10 July 2010 (94.9kg)

Erin in Brisbane

Erin in Brisbane

Erin 15 Feb 2010

Erin 15 Feb 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

wednesday weigh in..

Well...I stayed the same!! Lucky really!

I'm busy at work isn't the problem. It's the evenings, at home. If I do extra work or study I feel guilty, but when I watch TV I start snacking. I don't really know why. Habit. Boredom? Diversional therapy from bad thoughts..I don't really know. I am kinda sick of being at this weight, in this mindset...just seems like I'm never going to get past this. Past the past I guess.

after reading Gae's post about learning to live with what we have and our shape, I'm starting to wonder if the flip side of that is we accept what we shouldnt'?? No offense Gae, I love the way you think and the way you make me think...but...if we accept it from ourselves...then how can we expect change in others? I know the situations are different..but kinda makes me wonder. If I am so critical of myself, maybe I'm too critical of others??hmmm..something to think about.

I'm a known bitch...and I kinda like it that way.haha Maybe I need to be a little less bitch and things will change, the scales will change cause I stop beating myself and everything around me up.hmmm..ONYA GAE..haha see blaming someone else..haha

OK..goal for this week...track...I haven't been to good with that one. TRACK TRACK TRACK..OK my luvlies....once again, thankyou all so much for the support and things to think about.
And ya know what, I do like getting new clothes, it just takes me twice as long to choose cause I try on 3 sizes to big to start with..haha

OH YEAH...I am actually wearing size 16 pants to work today!!! Not since..hmmm..7yrs ago could I wear size 16!!!! Way to go ME!!!!!



  1. I don't know if this will help you, but it did help me. Since I've been reading this website, I've found that knowing the scienc-y reasons behind why I do something very much helps me to control the impulses. Particularly night-time snacking! Although it is still carried out through sheer force of will, sometimes.

    Anyway, the link above basically talks about how all these things have conditioned us to eat. So at night time, sitting on the couch and watching TV, our brain goes, "What! I know what this means! It means it's time to eat!!" Somewhere along the line, we've trained ourselves to think that sitting on the couch and watching TV is a behaviour for which we should get a reward. And that reward is food. We just have to break the behaviour.

    It also talks about the problems a lot of people have, usually around week 4, when they fall off the diet. Learning about this has honestly helped me so much...

    Like I said, I don't know if it'll help you because people think in different ways, but it's interesting!!

  2. Hey Erin
    Stay the same is a good thing isn't it? It means we are able to maintain our weight?! That is how I justify a stay the same.
    I didn't track last week. I finished my journal and WW don't have new ones. I wanted to see if I could do the program without writing every morsel down. I lost 500g, so for me, I can do it!

    But this week, still no journal, I am tracking on line. Hate the online thing...but I want to lose 1kg this week. aiming high!

    Isn't annoying picking up your "normal" size clothes, and taking in the smaller size just in case...then having to get redressed and get a smaller one again?! So annoying! LOL
    I think I am over that. It took me months to stop picking out the size 20 and 18s. Now I go straight to the 14s. And I even tried on a size 12 dress...and bought it! Woohoo! :)
    Lovely feeling!
