Lions Change - over Dinner

Lions Change - over Dinner
Erin - 10 July 2010 (94.9kg)

Erin in Brisbane

Erin in Brisbane

Erin 15 Feb 2010

Erin 15 Feb 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Guilt Free Friday.....Or not???

Hello again my darlings!!!

After reading your comments I realise that alot of things I have thought are not just me. Oh sure...they still sound what does it matter what total strangers think, but in the end I think maybe it reflects what we think of others. Maybe we are the judgemental ones??

I've just finished nightduty and discovered I am not the only one in the world that eats total rubbish sometimes...haha...I was trying so hard to eat fruit, drink water, have my coffees and avoid the PILE of chocolate biscuits and chips etc that the others were eating all night. I'm sure they don't care what I eat but I kept thinking....they don't know how lucky they are to be eating that and remain at a low weight.
Sometimes it seems so unfair...but as we all wasn't mean't to be easy!!
This weekend I will go on my long walk again....Tomorrow is my eldest daughters 19th birthday. Indian food again....can you tell that's our favoutrite..haha
Anyway, I will try to get a nice pic of the family all dolled up so you can se how we are progressing with our weight loss journey!!!

Thanks again ladies for your comments and support. This is my life and I'm starting to not feel so guilty about wanting this just for me....and honestly...I think it's what's going to make the difference this time.

Seeyas soon....


  1. They don't care what you eat. But the thing I've found with the people I envy for their ability to eat whatever they want is that I'm only there when they aren't eating well. Social situations always bring out our worst eating habits, don't they? That's why we spend so much time planning and making alternative options for when we socialise. And to be honest, a shiftwork situation is very similar. It's not necessarily 'normal' eating. And for you, you aren't missing out, you're just making the decision that you don't want to make your work a social situation. Which is a great thing.

    You're doing so fantastically. Doing things for ourselves, allowing ourselves to be 'selfish' just a little, is a GOOD thing. PLEASE keep doing it, because it's so worth it. We'll be your own little cheer squad.

  2. Firstly:
    mmmm indian

    You've probably figured it out by now but if you have access to it at work, the freezer is your friend. As well as diet coke/coke zero for the amazing amounts of caffeine to help keep you awake.
